What is sleep apnea?
Sleep apnea is a disorder in which a person pauses breathing or produces shallow breathing. Pauses in breathing could be a little as a few seconds or longer as in a few minutes throughout the night. Many people attribute snoring exclusively to snoring though snoring may only be a symptom of restricted airflow and does not always indicate sleep apnea.
Types of apneas:
Sleep apnea can be either an obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) or a central sleep apnea (CSA). Obstructive sleep apnea is where the flow of air into the lungs is blocked or interrupted. This could be due to a narrow airway, excessive tissue, crowded dental arches, relaxed tongue, and/or retrusive mandible (lower jaw).
Central sleep apnea is where a patient's brain is telling the patient to stop or slow their own breathing. These patients will need constant airway management to ensure proper breathing throughout the night.
How do I know if I have sleep apnea?
The best and most effective way to see if you have sleep apnea is to have a sleep study completed. These can be either completed using a home sleep test (HST) or within a medical sleep study room, typically at a local hospital.
Dr. Mark does not diagnose sleep apnea though he does work with local medical professionals to help patients get tested. If patients are diagnosed with sleep apnea, many oral appliances work independently of a CPAP or alongside to assist with better airflow and improve the quality of sleep for patients.
Complications from untreated sleep apnea:
There may be a dental issue that is contributing to your sleep apnea. See the link below for more information!
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